Someone sent me this E-mail...I think they watch "3 Kings" too much..

Now how did this get in my inbox???Hotmail really sucks...thankgod I have Gmail..


Sent: Wed 11/04/09 10:36 AM

From The United States Military Base,
Kabul, Afghanistan.
4th November, 2009.

Re: To Whom Concerned:

My Name is Lt. Col James Maxwell. I am a United States Soldier
currently in the harm’s way in Afghanistan. I received your email
Address from The U.S Directory, property of The United States Army and
I am writing you this email as I consider you are a good Christian and
that I can count on your trustworthy and confidentiality to this email
and to rightly accomplishing its contents.

Few months back, precisely early this year, I and Col. Lincoln Reed,
same unit the 3rd Combat Team of the Mountain Division were on a night
patrol about the boarders of Logar and Wardak few miles from Kabul. In
a blown MINE, we discovered and moved abandoned 2 METAL BOXES, 1
filled with MILITANTS ARMORIES and the 2nd with United States Dollars
with total amount of about $10MILLION USD.

Thereafter, we emptied the Money box in a customized United States
Military Bullet-Proof Carrier- Bag, and implored the aid of a RED
CROSS Official and paid him to keep the Bags with him until we are
able to contact an International Diplomat who can assist us move-in
the Bags as a delivery Consignment to The United States.

By this email thus, We ask you to represent on our behalf as the Owner
of this Consignment, to assist in any way necessary for The Diplomat
who will be totally unaware of the contents of The Bags to enter the
United States and then safely deposit the Consignment in your Name
with A Bank in The States, until I or Col. Reed will return to the
States by the end of next Month.

If you accept to work with us, for your participation you would be
entitled with 30% of the Money and also We shall pay you back any
expense you incur at the verge of this. But if this is not acceptable
by you, please kindly ignore this email.

I guarantee you that this would be actualized under a legitimate
arrangement without any breach of Law so you have nothing to worry

Please send me your Names, Contact Address and Telephone Number and I
will get back to you on the details.

Lt. Col James Maxwell.
Get back to me with this email Address:
