20th Century Fox screws up another fan-favorite character, "DeadPool"..

Well, just when things were looking good for Fox's "Wolverine" as well as Hugh Jackman's career, word has leaked that a fan-favorite character,"Deadpool" has been changed on screen as well as in toy form to appease higher ups at Fox.
This change whether scripted or for the sake of the rating,is going to be the possible downfall of this film if it remains unchanged.
For all those who don't know, the character of "DeadPool", is part of the "Weapon X" program that once involved "Wolverine" and his lifetime enemy "Sabertooth". Because of his involvement, Deadpool, who was trying to cure his sickness, was given
Wolverine's healing power as well as some of his power.
Once Weapon X was shut down, Deadpool became a mercenary for hire, which was when he was introduced for the first time in the "New Mutants" x-men spinoff series then later in "X-Force" and as of recently in his own series..
Deadpool, like Wolverine and Sabertooth as well as other X-men characters including "Gambit", have been introduced or re-introduced in this film to further Fox's hopes in renewing the X-men franchise.
But of course if they continue to ignore the origins as well as look of the characters from the book's perspective, possible future fans of this film and many others that Fox may put out such as a "Magneto" film or an "X-men:First Class", will be shut down before they begin based on the internet's fan base.
Anyhoo,here are afew clips of said article:
["I was so happy to see Gambit tossing around charged up cards and was really growing on the idea of Liev Schreiber as Sabretooth. I had even completely moved on in the idea of separating Fox’s X-Men films from the continuity of the Marvel Comics and cartoons.
That excitement all came crashing down today as Screen Rant writer Carl Lee came upon the following images of the Deadpool action figures from the Hasbro toy line for the movie.
Weapon X modification similar to Wolverine’s? How much did they really screw up this character or is there a chance his costume will still be in the film at some point? I can’t really see how going from awesome weapon-covered red and black suit is replaced by topless scarred dude wearing purple pants.
When I saw Deadpool looking like he was scarred in the trailer, I thought that’s probably just one scene in the movie where he wasn’t wearing his trademark costume… Perhaps it was before he even got the costume. In my mind, there was no possible way they could not have his amazing looking costume in this movie. I mean, it’s already there for them in the comics and in thousands of images online. It’s muted, with it’s red and black color scheme so it’s not some outfit that would look outlandish in a live action film.
All they have to do is buy the materials and have the costume designers put it together. Even I could do that with a fraction of the budget they probably get to produce the outfits.
Here’s a screen capture of Deadpool from the trailer and it’s this design they chose to feature as the toy of the character – This likely means that Ryan Reynolds will not be sporting the infamous Deadpool red and black outfit.
So, my question is why? Does this design look better? No. Maybe the toy will sell better than one that actually looks like the character? Nope, that can’t be it either.
This potential colossal failure on the part of those making this film has me very worried for how badly they may ruin my personal favorite, Gambit. We already know they ignored his unique eye color but from the trailers they did add the glowing effect to items that he charges (notably his staff and cards). But, what they’ve not shown us is a single scene of Taylor Kitsch actually talking as Gambit.
My worries are that they may have completely dropped the trademark Cajun accent which to me is absolutely essential for doing this character justice. In The X-Movies, they completely ruined the Colossus character by not making him Russian and they also screwed up Pyro the same way."]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hmm..well I guess we'll just have to wait and see..
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