The "Mark Knophler"prank calls...

Sometime ago I guess back when I was just learning about the outside world and travelling by way of the military, I had a friend of mine introduce me to all types of music and at the time prank call tapes were pretty popular like "the jerky boys" who would eventually capitalize on the art thanks to your favorite disc jockeys such as Howard Stern, Don n Mike...
Well,anyway my friend at the time introduced me to this stuff which of course thought was fuckin hilarious, and also Front 242,sisters of mercy,NitzerEbb,MeatBeat Manifesto and other "hardcore" dance bands which at the time were precursors to the rave scene in the U.S.
Since that time i've had such a hard time searching for that tape with the "Mark Knophler" trax that on a whim tonite,that have finally found them via the internet...

So just click on the title and it wiil send you the site...
The first call is the best!!
Actually below is the "amanda" call...classic.."I'm Mark Knophler"
Cya Vk@Nyte!!
