Brett Ratner & Michael Jackson singin' to R.Kelly...umm ewwww!

Its not the vid that is funny, but the comments by bloggers onthe Slashfilm site..

My top five:

1.Peter, thanks and no thanks really….. It is always good to have proof of how much of a douchdong Brett Ratner is, but as the same time having to watch Skeletor dance around in the back sit of the car like a 11 yr. girl who just finished off a box of Jesus juice, kinda makes my ass run away in fear.

2.Looks like Ratner and Jackson enjoy cruising for young boys together. Ratner looked pretty trashed on Jesus Juice, and Jackson looked like some evil spectre in his back seat.

3.Holy shit, do you think Brett Ratner knows Lord Voldemort is in his back seat?

4.what. What? what. what? why does this video exist. i think the world may have ended already and we are dead.

5.that was creepy, fucking Death dancing in the backseat and fat ass basement dwarf in the passenger seat…..daaaaaaayum weird..
