Christian Bale may play "Dr.Strange"

Christian Bale is in talks to play Marvel's "Dr.Strange"...
If this goes thru, he will be the most active action star in a possible Trifecta of trilogies since Harrison Ford!!
Smart guy if you think about it. Marvel has big plans for Hollywood-their big guns already in development, leaves the assortment of minor characters like Werewolf by Night,a possible Moon Knight tv series,Brother Voodoo,Black Panther,Shang-Chi,Power man & Iron Fist,Nick Fury,Etc as well as spinoffs from any possible Dr.Strange franchise...The only characters still owned or on loan to other film companies are as follows...

Blade..When last I heard it was owned by New Line,but that company was swallowed by Warner Bros. who also own DC Comics..Marvel also financed and were executive producers on all 3 films,so whether they still own the rights to the characters or does Warner remains to be seen...

Spiderman...Sony nuff said...forever unfortunatly...lets hope they do a better job with the next 3 films or at least after the fourth and fifth one they decide todo a tv series ala least continuity would make more sense as well as more interesting than the 3 movies as a whole.

Xmen and any character that has been an Xmen or has ever been in an xmen comic,as well as Daredevil,Electra,and the Fantastic Four, the new Wolverine film.. 2othCentury fox..Who had a pretty bad year last year, no tentpole films or major money makers for the studio...However,they are back on the warpath signing any thing they can get their hands on, possible Daredevil reboot as well as more adventures in some way or form with the X-men established characters,such as Magneto,Deadpool,Gambit,and maybe Storm?

If i had money tho to throw around, I would bank it on Marvel for the next ten years or more...they will be the major studio when it will come to comicbook films..

Also on a sidestep...keep an eye on one of Marvel's main boy, Mark Millar..His last film "wanted" was a Marvel imprint as is his current series "kick-ass" which is also being filmed as I write this, by Matthew Vaughn of "Lock,Stock" and "snatch" fame..

So things are moving quickly for best to keep up.

