Joe C. and Jim....You do not Fuck with these guys. Period.

Some things you may NEED to know about these guys:

1. They ARE The Fight Club. Nuff said.
2. Miller Lite and Jack n Coke Tall, Son!! Do you have a problem?? Didn't think so.
3. Redskins only, there are no other. Hail!!To the Redskins!!
4. Do not discuss any popular topics with them, such as Barack Obama,Politics,Women in Politics,current bands,news,people or anything remotely topical...they will just remind you that you suck and they do not.Period.
5. If they want to talk to you, you better welcome them.
6. They are the party. If you see them leave, its because it sucks, and just as possible- you suck and its making it worse.
7. Please do not tell them what they can or can't do. They work harder then you on any given day, the least you could do is say "Hey what's up!" then move on,'cause you really are below them on the evolution chain.
8. Bowing to them, really doesn't offend them. Its welcomed.
9. If you lose your woman to them...oh well. Try next time.
10.These guys will back u up, no matter what.Unless you are a Redskin hater then, you might want to pray for help.
